With the pandemic and lack of ability to be in-person with each other, it can be hard for organizations to connect with their audiences remotely. One of the best ways to make your customers feel they are with you from the safety of their own homes is livestreaming. Livestreaming allows your audience to feel they are having an actual conversation with you, and also makes you seem relatable because there is no script or production behind it. Katie and 12 other Forbes Agency Council members suggest ways to create engaging and organic livestreams to connect with your audience. 


1. Include Your Audience In The Fun

Social media audiences are experience seekers. They don’t just want to watch something unfold; they want to be a part of it. Start with your brand and your products, and then identify what the high-interest experiences are with those products and how you can include your audience in the fun. Remember, two-way interaction is the key to building loyalty and affinity. – Katie Schibler Conn, KSA Marketing

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