‘Twas the night before Christmas and Santa said Oh Sh*t

‘Twas the night before Christmas, Santa thought he was ready, He had checked his list twice; toy production was steady. When from the North Pole there arose such a clatter, Santa ran to the noise to see what was the matter. The Chief Marketing Elf said they thought we were finished, then told Santa in […]
OSM: Social Media Down!

Just a few weeks ago, one of the biggest Oh Shit! moments of 2019 caused worldwide panic. People across the globe screamed “Oh Shit!” in unison. Many day-to-day activities stopped and food bloggers and Instagram models lost hope completely. What caused this panic? … #INSTAGRAMDOWN! On the morning of March 13, Instagram and Facebook users […]
KSA: Here for Your OH SH*T Moments

Have you ever had an upcoming deadline that seemed impossible to meet? How about a key employee leaving unexpectedly? Is your competition pulling ahead and away from you? Not receiving the same engagement on social channels? At KSA, we call these “Oh Sh*t Moments,” and you can count on us to be there for you […]