Today is a big day for KSA because today is the day we finally put ourselves first and launch the new and improved KSA Marketing, including a new website, logo and overall look.

We started around a kitchen table nearly 10 years ago, and a lot has changed since 2011. As we have adapted to the marketing needs of our clients, we realized our services and goals have changed, and we want to make sure our brand represents everything we’re capable of. We have grown as a team, and our brand should reflect that growth.
Now to be clear, we are still the same superheroes we always have been; you just might not hear us call ourselves superheroes quite as often. After all, what’s a superhero without a secret identity? We are still here to kick ass for you during your ‘Oh Shit’ moments. We still have the same hero mentality we built KSA Marketing + Partnerships on, now simply KSA Marketing.
Yes, partnerships is no longer part of the agency name, but that doesn’t mean it’s not part of who we are. Simplifying the lives of our clients and creating lasting partnerships with them is still a top priority. We are just dropping that aspect of our name. If we were to incorporate every service we offer into our name, it would be KSA Marketing + Branding + Partnerships + Media + Development + Event Management (and maybe even more), which wouldn’t fit comfortably on a business card, especially if we also want to include our names and contact information!
Bottom-line is we are always focused on our clients, and somewhere along the way, we lost focus on ourselves. We help our clients develop their brands, but we also have a brand we need to think of and develop, which often gets neglected when you are in a client services field. As the world is changing, we thought it was time for us to change as well, so we are going to take better care of ourselves in order to take better care of our clients.
With COVID restrictions, this has been a moment where many of us can take the time to reflect and turn our focus internal. In a time that feels so overwhelming and confusing, it is important we think of ourselves and what is best for us. The world slowed and gave us the chance we needed to finally “get around” to making changes to our brand, and it’s giving people all over the chance to do the things they’ve been meaning to do for years, whether it’s finally clean out your garage or pick up a new hobby.
We have changed as a team, and it was about time our brand changed too. We decided it was time we gave our brand the same level of care and commitment we strive to give our clients, and we think the results are pretty bold. We are looking forward to continuing to forge forward as the same Team KSA as we have always been but with a new look and slightly shorter name. Next time we realize we need a change, it won’t take us three years to implement. If it took us three years to rebrand our clients, we wouldn’t have any clients to rebrand.