15 Things Marketing Teams Might Be Doing Wrong on Social Media

Successful social media marketing is an essential part of bringing in customers; however, it can be difficult to get right. There are many elements that play into putting out content to reach your audience effectively. Katie along with 14 other experts from Forbes Agency Council offer insights into what you might be doing wrong which […]
Social Media Marketing in the Time of COVID-19

In the last segment of their four-part series, Taylor and David tackle social media marketing in their webinar “Social Media Marketing in the Time of COVID-19.” This webinar breaks down each of the 6 Ws (see below) of Social Media Marketing and also works to teach the audience more about the various tools social media […]

On Monday, May 4, 2020, KSA Marketing, in partnership with SCORE RI and the Center for Women & Enterprise presented the first part in a free four part webinar series addressing digital marketing for local businesses in the COVID-19 ERA. If you missed Monday’s webinar, you can access it here with the password: 7G%^7JE8. On […]